For many years Excel has been the defacto data tool of choice for business users. It is widely available, well understood and powerful in the hands of proficient users. Excel VBA further unlocks that power.
An App to Dynamically Create Workbooks
Many businesses use Excel Files to manage multiple projects, clients or similar. As the numbers and complexity grow the need for consistency and control around workbooks becomes critical.
In this post I demonstrate an Excel VBA App to dynamically create workbooks and include a short demo video.
VBA to Consolidate Reporting in Excel
With Excel being such a popular tool in Finance and other areas of business the challenge of consolidating reporting from a large number of workbooks is significant.
In this post I use VBA to automate consolidated reporting from multiple workbooks without links or any manual intervention.
Use Excel VBA to Automate Files
More than we care to admit the data you need comes in CSV format. It's useful, but sometimes it needs a bit of massaging to be really useful.
In this post I take a simple (but ugly) csv file and automatically load it into Excel fully sorted, with issues removed. All with 1 click.
Dynamic Cascading Dropdowns in Excel
Ensuring the quality of data will dramatically improve subsequent analysis. Providing users with dropdown choices and ensuring these choices cascade is one example of improving data quality.
In this post I demonstrate dynamic cascading dropdowns in Excel with just a touch of VBA.
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